Import students
Make an export from the student follow-up system
Within each SFS you can make an export of the students and groups. This is usually an EDEXML file. EDEXML is a standard for the exchange of administrative data of students, groups and teachers. It is supported by all major administration packages like Parnassys, ESIS, Dotcomschool, etc.
If your SFS does not support EDEXML, you can upload a CSV file.
Uploading the export file
Under 'Admin' there is the submenu 'Students'.
If you click on the 'Import students' button, a form will appear.
Here you can upload the previously created export file.
The data which is stored are the first name and last name of the student and the group.
You can periodically create a new export and then import it again. The data is then updated and new students are created.